Wednesday, December 6, 2017

College Cash: Field Agent

In this College Cash post we will take a look at:

What is Field Agent?

You can download Field Agent to your mobile device which can help you earn cash. Imagine finishing a class, opening up an app, seeing a 3 dollar job just a block away, estimated time to complete 5-10 minutes, just enough time to do between this and your next class. So you take the job, and earn a quick 3 dollars, If you were able to earn 3 dollars every 5-10 minutes for an hour, that would work out to be about $25-45 an hour. Not bad for spurts between classes.

How Does It Works?

Field Agent is a app that allows you to complete "jobs" which consist of audits, comparing products between stores, scavenger hunts, purchases required (but you get reimbursed and paid for the survey on a product, restaurant, store, etc...), and secret shopping jobs. You do these jobs for different companies through Field Agent that need information regarding products and advertising in stores, restaurants and other consumer based enterprises. To find jobs you will look in the Field Agent app where the jobs are listed in the "find jobs" section of the app. The list is based on your location, but there is also a map you can look at and see locations of jobs near you.

Most jobs you will normally do incognito, although there are some jobs that provide you a letter to give a manger or teller giving your permission to do an audit. There are different categories that will show up when you do a search. On the map you will see neckties in locations where the jobs are located so that you have an idea where the job is located.

Once you accept a job, you only have two hours to complete the work and turn it in before you loose it. But there are usually new jobs constantly being put up so it is a good idea to refresh the job list often. A good idea would to be refresh each time you have a little time (if between classes, study, etc...) and see what shows and you can do.

How Much Can I Make?

Field Agent has a vast pay out potential. What you can expect in pricing for most jobs is between $3.00-12.00 (sometimes more). Many of the jobs you see are based on your previous work. You have a ranking in the Field Agent realm that tells if you are a good worker and are able to complete your jobs on time and correctly.

How Do I Get Payed?

You receive all your payments via PayPal. Typically you get payed within 2-3 days or sooner, however Field Agent gives it a two week window. After you receive your payment to PayPal you can transfer it to a bank, use it online or whatever you desire to do with it (you just got paid!).

Whats The Real Potential?

It really depends on a few factors. 

What kind of time you have to put in to it.
If you have transportation.
how many jobs are available.

This is not something that you should drop out of school for. What I mean is that you probably aren't going to be making the big bucks doing this (unless you have some mad strategy like my wife (more on that later)). Field Agent is something I still use. I'll make a scan before and after work to see if there are any jobs on the way home from work and earn an extra 5-7 dollars. This will bring me between an extra $75.00-200.00 a month from Field Agent alone. 

On the other hand, There was a two week period where I was between jobs that my wife went out and did several jobs to help us out while I was searching for a new job. She would leave in her car for about 5-6 hours a day. She did this 4 days strait. In this short amount of time she made with Field Agent alone about $100.00 (that's about $25.00 dollars a day). She also used other apps during this few day period. We did a little math and averaged it out to find that between all the apps she was using she was making about $20.00 an hour before taking out gas (after gas was between $15.00 an hour). This was great, and my wife loved it, she got to go check out new stores, new towns, have an adventure, earn cash, and all on her time.

Something else we noticed while she was out and about. was that in places further away (smaller towns, sometimes rural towns), you can often find available higher paying jobs. They tended to stay available longer as well because most people where not using the Field Agent in the area. Sometimes there are jobs with in 45 minutes of home and close to each other. There is a possibility if there are two or more jobs in the same small town, there is the potential to make more than minimum wage an hour (if you include travel time and fuel). 

Final Thoughts.

Field Agent is a great tool for the student during down time to earn some extra cash. This is a way to help you kick it in college and have a little more fun. It's fun. It's flexible. It's free. Field Agent is a Kickin' It College favorite. The opportunity to find jobs appears to be much higher than most other applications in the realm. Let us know what you think, share your stories and your experiences using Field Agent.  

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